Regional Economic Frameworks for Mid Wales and South West Wales

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Still time to share a vision - tell a friend! Mae dal i amser i rannu gweledigaeth - rhannwch gyda ffrind!

Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and your vision for your region’s economy. There’s still time to take part, so please tell a friend about this opportunity so that they too can contribute to a shared vision for our future economy. Let them know that they just need to do what you did, visit and share their thoughts, feelings and ideas in under 5 minutes.  

There’s also still one last chance to take part in a deeper discussion by attending our final event on 5th November, where the main discussion topic will be diversity, we’d love to hear your views.  Book your place here .

Diolch yn fawr eto am rannu eich meddyliau a'ch gweledigaeth ar gyfer eich economi eich hardal. Mae amser o hyd i gymryd rhan, felly dywedwch wrth ffrind am y cyfle hwn fel y gallant hwythau gyfrannu at weledigaeth a rennir ar gyfer ein heconomi yn y dyfodol.  Gadewch iddyn nhw wybod mai dim ond gwneud yr hyn a wnaethoch chi sydd rhaid, mynd at a rhannu eu meddyliau, eu teimladau a'u syniadau mewn llai na 5 munud. 

Mae hefyd un cyfle olaf i gymryd rhan mewn trafodaeth ddyfnach trwy fynychu ein digwyddiad olaf ar 5ed Tachwedd, lle mai'r prif bwnc trafod fydd amrywiaeth, rydyn ni wrth ein bodd yn clywed eich barn.  Archebwch eich lle yma.

Posted on 28th October 2020

by Rhydian Harry